Riau, 12/10 (KP) - Figures in Riau is declare the Riau Against Haze in Pekanbaru White House on Monday (12/10). This declaration form of resistance from various elements of society about unfinished haze case in Riau,Indonesia explains by one of author behind the Riau Against Haze, Dr. Ferry Utomo, M. Bio.Med.
This movement was initiated by Susiana Tabrani, daughter of Riau Sovereign declarator. Susiana said that the absence and effortless of government to handle this haze made her to do this movement.
"From year to year the handling of the smoke problem is sporadic and reactionary, partial, and does not touch the root of the problem, but merely deal with the symptomatic. It also usually be preceded by protests and anger by public. Pattern officials visit by center of the minister to the president, the "drama "offices in the affected areas and dropped directly into the combustion location are just populist programs that is not completely resolve the problem," Susi said.
According to Susi, Riau Againts Haze will be a non-partisan and non-political movement. People who participated are volunter and free themselves from any benefit individually and any communities. "We design this movement as the moral movement, intellectual, activism in the boardest sense," said Susi.
She also added that this movement took serious attention to massive and internationalization issues by conducting research and data collection. Declaration took a place in Prof Tabrani Rab's house, filled with discussions and poetry readings among others by the chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) Riau, Dheni Kurnia, Riau press figures, Fakhrunnas MA Jabbar and Riau author Aris Abeba. In the same place, in 1999 was declared the Sovereign Riau movement by Tabrani Rab, as a form of resistance against the tyranny of the central government against the exploitation of Natural Resources in Riau.
The same spirit has now voiced by some figures in Riau Againts Haze movement. The haze has caused two people died and 59.058 Riau people suffer from Acute Respiratory Infection. Total of suffering people from various diseases caused by haze are 70.286. (RMA)
Sumber : kabarperbatasan.com
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